
Filtered by Tag: campaign

Rethink Aadhaar Newsletter: October 2019, Vol. I

#aadhaar, #Supreme Court, #campaign, #rethink aadhaar, #privacy, #"Article 21 Trust"

The Finance Ministry has yet again extended the deadline by which people can link their Aadhaar numbers to PAN, until December 31, 2019. Rethink Aadhaar maintains that such linking is disproportionate and unconstitutional. A challenge to such linking is being heard in the Karnataka High Court wherein the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has asked for more time to respond. The HC has directed the CBDT not to take any action against the petitioners for not linking Aadhaar to PAN until the hearing is complete.

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An appeal To support rethink aadhaar & article 21 Trust

#aadhaar, #Supreme Court, #campaign, #rethink aadhaar, #privacy, #"Article 21 Trust"

Last year, we created the Article 21 Trust as an engine that could power further struggles to counter the impact of Aadhaar and other civil technologies on human rights – in particular the right to life, liberty, and livelihood (as the name of the Trust might suggest). Article 21 will support Rethink Aadhaar through fundraising as well as working on necessary research.

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Citizens write to Election Commission demanding opposition to Aadhaar-Voter ID linking

Citizens write to Election Commission demanding opposition to Aadhaar-Voter ID linking

#aadhaar, #Supreme Court, #campaign, #rethink aadhaar, #privacy

On July 16, the Delhi High Court directed the Election Commission of India (ECI), to consider a plea for an Aadhaar-based voting system, in response to a PIL filed by BJP member Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay. The petition “proposes an e-voting system using fingerprint and face biometric” and, for that purpose, linking of Aadhaar number with voter ID. Such a system, the petition claims, will lead to an increase in voting percentage while also preventing bogus or fraudulent voting.

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Rethink Aadhaar Newsletter: July 2019, Vol. I

Rethink Aadhaar Newsletter: July 2019, Vol. I

#aadhaar, #Supreme Court, #campaign, #rethink aadhaar, #privacy

While the government is trying hard to crush every voice against Aadhaar, one person from Mumbai not only fought, but also won against the government's mandatory linking policy. Hear Mr Ramesh Kurhade of Mumbai Port Trust as he shares the story of his unwavering fight against Aadhaar.

A number of concerned citizens and NGOs have come together to felicitate Mr Kurhade in the hope that his experience will give courage to others. The felicitation and his talk will be followed by brief interventions from additional speakers: Dr. Anupam Saraph, Vickram Crishna, Raghu (aka godavar), Vidyut Gore, Elisha Ebenezer, and more.

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Rethink Aadhaar campaign update on the UID hearing in the Supreme Court

Rethink Aadhaar campaign update on the UID hearing in the Supreme Court

#aadhaar, #Supreme Court, #campaign, #rethink aadhaar, #privacy

In 2016, some of us came together to formulate a response to the Aadhaar onslaught and attempted to organise resources to challenge Aadhaar. We also worked to raise awareness and developed resources to help others understand - and critique - the project. We thought we would be focused on both “welfare and privacy” - two worlds that did not seem particularly connected until the UID project attacked our rights in both spheres. Some of us loosely began calling for “Rethink Aadhaar” (or “no2UID”).

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